健康與福祉相關研究Research on health and well-being
健康與福祉相關研究的能見度與下載率Good Health and Well-being: paper views
相關論文的臨床引用程度Clinical citations
健康與福祉相關論文發表Good Health and Well-being: publications
健康衛教專業的畢業人數Number graduating in health professions
健康促進與衛生教育專業畢業生的比例Indicator: Proportion of graduates in health professions
健康促進與衛生教育的社區協作與服務Collaborations and health services
與社區、政府、國際衛生機關合作,以改善健康與福祉Current collaborations with health institutions
健康促進與衛生教育外展計畫Health outreach programmes
共享體育設施Shared sports facilities
為學生提供免費性教育服務Free sexual health care for students
心理健康支持Mental health support
無菸校園Smoke-free policy